Installation Guide

The following guide shows the steps to implement a RichTextEditor Control into ASP.NET applications. If you haven't downloaded the software, please download it from here.

1. Install the assembly

Copy the following files to your application bin folder.

The "richtexteditor" folder and all files it contains should be deployed to the application directory of your website.

2. Add Uploader httpModule to web.config's httpModules list

To allow RichTextEditor to upload big files, you need to add Uploader HttpModule to your application.

IIS 5, 6 and IIS 7, IIS 8 Classic mode

      <add name="UploadModule" type="RTE.UploadModule,RichTextEditor"/>

IIS 7, IIS 8 Integrated mode

      <add name="UploadModule" type="RTE.UploadModule,RichTextEditor"/>

3. Using the Editor in a Web Form

a. Register RichTextEditor control in your page

<%@ Register TagPrefix="RTE" Namespace="RTE" Assembly="RichTextEditor" %>

b. Insert a RTE instance into the page and use Editor.Text property to load content into the RTE.

<RTE:Editor ID="Editor1" ContentCss="example.css" Text="Type here" runat="server" />